sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014



by: Edward A. Jaramillo A.

 The "Morro el Salvador"  is a natural tourist attraction located in the town, its form allows an easy access to the hill`s top where the visitors can have a complete view of the town. In the past this place resulted to be the perfect Indian burial ground for three of its most significant leaders at 5 meters below ground. Around this place it is possible to find an ancestral path, built by stones and named ·”El Chuscal” this path is also a part of the patrimony of Jericó. Here you can also find the Cable Car to communicate the “Morro el Salvador” with the Natural Park –“Las Nubes”, and using a natural trail it is possible to have access to the Botanic Garden “Los Balsos” and subsequently to the town. All the above describes one of the most unique tourist natural attractions to be found in the State of Antioquia.

Complete view of the town of Jericó from the MORRO EL SALVADOR

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