There is a
big offer of hotels and you can find since a camping zone to the Boutique Spa.
About prices, in you would like to stay in a hotel in the center of the town
you will pay about 20US to 30US per person.
However if you want to stay way of the main park you are to stay in an
FINCA HOTEL something like a farm but this with all the commodities you need,
this is also legal and registered as hotel and some of them have a pool inside.
Other common
offers to stay in Jericó, is the FAMILIAR CABAÑAS, able for people who has
reduce mobility, they also allows you to take your pet with you, and each cabaña
is has a parking slot for to vehicles, this is very useful even when you realized
that you are at 300mts of the town so you can walk.
Bellow you
will see some pictures of this places, beginning with the camping zone, some
hotels and finally the Boutique Spa.
The camping zone is placed in the back yard of this wooden made house where 10 to 13 persons can stay.
This is what we call an Eco-hotel. In the Camping zone is a complete infrastructure installed for 30 persons.
This is a sample of a hotel placed in the main park, you can find double or single rooms, this a double one and the balcony look exactly to the church and the main park.
This is a picture captured inside one of the rooms of the Boutique Spa Hotel, bellow a little bit more of this hotel.
This is the Living room, if you don´t want to get out to find some food at the restaurant you are able to prepare what you need here in the kitchen, but don´t get confused this is not and hostal, this is a hotel in the highest category if the region and a night for a couple can cost around the 160US.
Inside the Boutique.
Totally there are 15 hotels in Jericó Town, 1 Cabañas Hotel, 3 Finca Hotels (Farms), 1 Boutique and 1 camping zone near an Eco-Hotel. So, now you now that off curse you have where to stay. See you in next topic.
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